Give us your feedback

Pattern circle

Your feedback is what helps us to be the best organisation that we can be.

Feedback can come in the form of a complaint, a compliment, or a general comment – but whatever it is that you want to tell us, we're here to listen and do something about it.

By giving us positive feedback, you let us know where we’re performing well and giving you a good service.

When you tell us about something that hasn’t gone well or didn’t meet your expectations, we use that information to improve our services and do our best to make sure it doesn’t happen a second time.

Give us your feedback

To report a complaint, leave us a compliment, or just give us some general feedback, email You can also drop us a message via the portal.

If you'd like someone to act on your behalf when making a complaint, please let us know that you are giving them authority to act on your behalf and that you're happy for us to share information with them.

Quick resolution

If you're unhappy with something but don’t want to raise a formal complaint, we can deal with this as a quick resolution for you. This is where we take the chance to resolve the matter with you as soon as possible and will aim to agree a resolution with you within two working days. We’ll then keep in touch with you until the issue has been fully resolved.

What our tenants say

Making a complaint

We hope you never have cause to complain, but when you feel let down by our actions or services, we'll try to resolve your issue as quickly and effectively as possible, making sure that we follow our complaints procedure. Please note, we will not treat the following as a complaint:

  • a request for a service or for information
  • reports of ASB
  • reporting a fault
  • offering a comment about a service
  • disagreement with a rule of housing law.

Our formal complaints procedure has the following steps:

Formal investigation

Sometimes when an issue can’t be resolved at the quick resolution stage, it's necessary to start a formal investigation to find out why something has gone wrong. Formal investigations will be carried out by our Feedback Champion or by a member of our management team. We aim to acknowledge all complaints at this stage within two working days of receiving them. The person assigned to investigate your complaint will provide a resolution within 10 working days. If the process is going to take longer, we'll let you know.


After receiving a formal response to your complaint, if you're still unhappy and feel that your issue has not been resolved, we may be able to review your complaint as an appeal if you can provide any new information or evidence that you feel we didn’t consider during the formal investigation, within 20 working days of receiving the formal response.

We aim to acknowledge all complaints at this stage within two working days of receiving them. The Manager or Director assigned to investigate your complaint will provide a resolution within 20 working days. If the process is going to take longer, we'll let you know.

Housing Ombudsman

Our appeal stage is the last part of our internal complaints process. If you still feel that we’ve failed to resolve your complaint, you can escalate your concern externally to the Housing Ombudsman service, who will advise whether they can investigate your issue.

To contact the Housing Ombudsman service, you can:

Call: 0300 111 3000


Write to:

Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 1484
Unit D

Read our full feedback policy

The Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code: Self Assessment

Find out more about how we meet the requirements of the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code

See our annual feedback performance from April 2023 - March 2024

See examples of where we got things wrong and what we did about it