Tenancy Sustainment Licence

Pattern circle

When you sign up as a Twenty11 tenant, we’ll give you a Tenancy Sustainment Licence, which is designed to support tenants within their tenancies.

The good news is you can also get positive points for being a great tenant, looking after your home, and going the extra mile by helping the community, for example by volunteering. If you keep to the terms of your tenancy agreement, we’ll look to renew your tenancy automatically. If you achieve a high level of positive points this will contribute to a longer tenancy being granted. We’re also looking to open up a range of other benefits for you – so watch this space. 

We’ll start you off with 100 points and you’ll be able to see at a glance how many positive or negative points you have. Negative points on your licence could affect whether your tenancy is renewed or whether we take action to end your tenancy early.

Examples of things you can do to get positive points

  • You help your local community by volunteering on a regular basis
  • You regularly use your portal and contact us through one of our digital channels
  • You make sure your payments are always up to date
  • You set up a Direct Debit to make your payments on time
  • You give us access for safety checks.

Examples of things that will lead to negative points on your licence

  • Antisocial behaviour and causing a nuisance to your neighbours
  • Abusing our staff or contractors
  • Not keeping your rent account up to date
  • Causing damage to the home
  • Not giving us access for safety checks.

Read the full list as well as further information

"It's helped me by encouraging me and helping me feel supported as a tenant by Twenty11."

Case studies


Simon* has been a tenant with Twenty11 since 2021. He (like all our tenants) began with a one-year tenancy. He ran his first tenancy well, with no negative points and a total of 135 positive points, which meant at his tenancy renewal he was offered a two-year tenancy.

Following on from this, during his two-year tenancy he went 'above and beyond', accruing 160 positive points, which means we will be offering him a four-year tenancy at his next renewal.

As well as running a good tenancy, he also volunteered in the community, and set up and completed a Personal Success Plan.

"I think it's an amazing scheme that can help keep a lot of people on track and encourage them to be good tenants."


Mary* is currently on a starter tenancy with us, and similarly to Simon she has conducted the first year with us very well. As well as completing all the basics of being a good tenant, she too has gone 'above and beyond'.

Starting with the baseline of 100, she has managed to accrue a further 50 points, building her total to 150. She has kept a clear rent account, engaged with us digitally, and has also set up and completed a Personal Success Plan.

At her renewal, she will be offered a longer tenancy due to her success in her starter tenancy.

"It’s a good system to ensure people get a fair offer."


The final case study is Bob*, who has been a tenant with us since 2019. Bob has been able to run consistently good tenancies, without accruing any negative points. After the first one-year starter tenancy, he proceeded to get a two-year and then another two-year tenancy.

Currently Bob has built a total of 140 points, which means that at renewal he is likely to secure a further fixed-term tenancy, for three years.

* all tenants have been anonymised.